If you need to sell/ buy and exim licence,look on further
- Simply logon to licence.com
- Select licence for sale & submit the licence details through the sellers registration form.
- These details are then displayed on licenceindia.com under specific licence categories like DEPB,SIL,DFRC GEMREP AND advance licnence.
- The buyers who wish to purchase licences would come to licenceindia.com looking for the desired licence of their choice and would get first hand information on the availability of these licence.
- Here they could see all licence details, sleeers contact details etc. and immediately contact the seller and negotiate the licence transaction to mutual satisfaction.
- Should for any reason the buyer cannot locate the desired licence, he could post his licence requiremeents through the buyers registration form on our website which would eventually be displayed under the caption,"licences wanted".
Hence, licenceindia.com provides a common platform for exporters/importers to locate, interact and transact with each other for sale/purchase for exim licences.